Swissvotes Universität Basel année politique suisse



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Results (92)

Title Date Legal form Policy area Voting result Yes share Turnout Details
Epidemics Act 30.07.1882 Optional referendum Social policy,
State organisation
Rejected 21.10% 50.75% Details
11. AHV-Revision 16.05.2004 Optional referendum Social policy Rejected 32.10% 50.82% Details
Steuerpaket 16.05.2004 Optional referendum Public finance,
Social policy,
Environment and living space
Rejected 34.12% 50.85% Details
Act on Electronic Identification Services (e-ID Act) 07.03.2021 Optional referendum State organisation Rejected 35.64% 51.29% Details
Act on Withholding Tax 25.09.2022 Optional referendum Public finance,
Rejected 47.99% 51.71% Details
Autotransportordnung 25.02.1951 Optional referendum Transport and infrastructure,
Rejected 44.32% 52.40% Details
Bundesbeschluss über den Einbau von Luftschutzräumen 05.10.1952 Optional referendum Security policy Rejected 15.49% 52.63% Details
Gewährung einer Hilfe an die Holzverzuckerungs-AG Graubünden 13.05.1956 Optional referendum Economy,
Security policy
Rejected 42.46% 52.64% Details
Postverkehrsgesetz 19.04.1953 Optional referendum Transport and infrastructure Rejected 36.46% 52.65% Details
Massnahmen zur Förderung der Wohnbautätigkeit 29.01.1950 Optional referendum Environment and living space Rejected 46.29% 52.82% Details
Bundesstrafrecht (Anstiftung Militärpflichtiger zu Verbrechen) 25.10.1903 Optional referendum Security policy,
State organisation,
Culture, religion and media
Rejected 30.83% 53.23% Details
Abkommen mit Frankreich betreffend Hochsavoyen 18.02.1923 Optional referendum Foreign policy Rejected 18.48% 53.43% Details
Motorway Vignette Act 24.11.2013 Optional referendum Transport and infrastructure,
Public finance
Rejected 39.54% 53.61% Details
Fund for the acquisition of the Gripen fighter aircraft 18.05.2014 Optional referendum Security policy,
Public finance
Rejected 46.59% 56.32% Details
Ordnung der Zuckerwirtschaft 14.03.1948 Optional referendum Agriculture,
Security policy
Rejected 36.16% 56.55% Details
Disciplinary Code for the Swiss Armed Forces 04.10.1896 Optional referendum Security policy,
State organisation
Rejected 19.88% 57.58% Details
Livestock trade Act 04.10.1896 Optional referendum Agriculture,
State organisation
Rejected 45.54% 57.60% Details
Gesetz über den Automobil- und Fahrradverkehr 15.05.1927 Optional referendum Transport and infrastructure,
State organisation
Rejected 40.14% 57.85% Details
Increase of tax deductions for children 27.09.2020 Optional referendum Public finance,
Social policy
Rejected 36.76% 59.21% Details
Hunting Act 27.09.2020 Optional referendum Agriculture,
Environment and living space
Rejected 48.07% 59.34% Details