Swissvotes Universität Basel année politique suisse



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Results (695)

Title Date Legal form Policy area Voting result Yes share Turnout Details
Bundesstrafrecht (Anstiftung Militärpflichtiger zu Verbrechen) 25.10.1903 Optional referendum Security policy,
State organisation,
Culture, religion and media
Rejected 30.83% 53.23% Details
Initiative «für tiefere Arzneimittelpreise» 04.03.2001 Popular initiative Social policy Rejected 30.85% 55.71% Details
Initiative «Recht auf Leben» 09.06.1985 Popular initiative State organisation,
Social policy
Rejected 30.96% 35.72% Details
Initiative «Access to home ownership thanks to home savings» 17.06.2012 Popular initiative Environment and living space,
Public finance
Rejected 31.09% 38.53% Details
Buyback of the Swiss Central Railway 06.12.1891 Optional referendum Transport and infrastructure Rejected 31.12% 64.26% Details
Initiative «Wirtschaftsreform und Rechte der Arbeit» 18.05.1947 Popular initiative Economy Rejected 31.19% 59.43% Details
Gesetz über den Schwangerschaftsabbruch 28.05.1978 Optional referendum Social policy,
State organisation
Rejected 31.20% 48.87% Details
Initiative zum Schutz der Stromlandschaft Rheinau 05.12.1954 Popular initiative Energy,
Environment and living space
Rejected 31.24% 51.88% Details
Initiative «für ein Verbot der Freimaurerei» 28.11.1937 Popular initiative Security policy,
State organisation
Rejected 31.32% 65.94% Details
Initiative «für ein autobahnfreies Knonauer Amt» 01.04.1990 Popular initiative Transport and infrastructure,
Environment and living space
Rejected 31.37% 41.13% Details
Anhebung der Mehrwertsteuer zu Gunsten von AHV und IV 16.05.2004 Mandatory referendum Social policy,
Public finance
Rejected 31.42% 50.84% Details
«Lehrstellen-Initiative» 18.05.2003 Popular initiative Education and research,
Social policy,
Rejected 31.61% 49.56% Details
Initiative «For food sovereignty» 23.09.2018 Popular initiative Agriculture,
Security policy
Rejected 31.62% 37.47% Details
Gesetz über die Taggelder des Nationalrates 27.05.1962 Optional referendum State organisation Rejected 31.68% 38.78% Details
Banknote monopoly 31.10.1880 Mandatory referendum Economy,
State organisation
Rejected 31.77% 59.42% Details
Initiative «Für ein Verbot von Kriegsmaterial-Exporten» 29.11.2009 Popular initiative Foreign policy,
Security policy
Rejected 31.77% 53.39% Details
Solarinitiative 24.09.2000 Popular initiative Energy,
Public finance,
Environment and living space
Rejected 31.82% 44.70% Details
Bundesbeschluss über die soziale Krankenversicherung (Gegenentwurf) 08.12.1974 Direct counter-proposal Social policy Rejected 31.84% 39.72% Details
Initiative «Gegen Kampfjetlärm in Tourismusgebieten» 24.02.2008 Popular initiative Environment and living space,
Security policy,
Rejected 31.92% 38.74% Details
Justice initiative 28.11.2021 Popular initiative State organisation Rejected 31.92% 64.68% Details