Swissvotes Universität Basel année politique suisse



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Results (695)

Title Date Legal form Policy area Voting result Yes share Turnout Details
Justizreform 12.03.2000 Mandatory referendum State organisation Accepted 86.36% 41.92% Details
Regulation of gambling in favour of charitable purposes 11.03.2012 Direct counter-proposal Economy Accepted 87.09% 44.77% Details
Bundesbeschluss über den Schutz der Währung 04.06.1972 Mandatory referendum Economy Accepted 87.73% 26.72% Details
Verfassungsbestimmung über die Transplantationsmedizin 07.02.1999 Mandatory referendum Social policy Accepted 87.77% 37.98% Details
Federal decree on basic medical care 18.05.2014 Direct counter-proposal Social policy Accepted 88.07% 55.84% Details
Anerkennung des Rätoromanischen als Nationalsprache 20.02.1938 Mandatory referendum Culture, religion and media Accepted 91.59% 54.33% Details
Übertritt Vellerat zum Kanton Jura 10.03.1996 Mandatory referendum State organisation Accepted 91.64% 30.99% Details
Umweltschutzartikel 06.06.1971 Mandatory referendum Environment and living space Accepted 92.70% 37.85% Details
Verfassungsgrundlage für eine einmalige Kriegssteuer 06.06.1915 Mandatory referendum Public finance,
Security policy
Accepted 94.27% 56.02% Details
Uniform financing of outpatient and inpatient services 24.11.2024 Optional referendum Social policy,
Public finance
% % Details
Termination due to personal need (tenancy law) 24.11.2024 Optional referendum Environment and living space % % Details
Conditions for subletting 24.11.2024 Optional referendum Environment and living space % % Details
Expansion of the motorway network 24.11.2024 Optional referendum Transport and infrastructure,
Environment and living space
% % Details
Reform of the occupational pension benefit plans 22.09.2024 Optional referendum Social policy % % Details
Biodiversity initiative 22.09.2024 Popular initiative Environment and living space % % Details