Swissvotes Universität Basel année politique suisse


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The anthology «Direkte Demokratie in der Schweiz: Neue Erkenntnisse aus der Abstimmungsforschung» (Direct Democracy in Switzerland: New Findings from Voting Research) was published in summer 2022. You can download the open access version of the book and the accompanying online appendix here. Printed copies can be obtained from Seismo Press.

The anthology provides new and in-depth insights into the workings of direct democracy by drawing on the unique wealth of practical experience and data from Switzerland's more than 170 years of voting history. Much of this data is part of the Swissvotes dataset.

Schaub, Hans-Peter, und Marc Bühlmann (Hg.) (2022). Direkte Demokratie in der Schweiz: Neue Erkenntnisse aus der Abstimmungsforschung. Zürich: Seismo.