Swissvotes Universität Basel année politique suisse


The Swissvotes dataset and the codebook are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Each downloadable document contains a suggestion how to cite it as a source.

The full Swissvotes dataset is available as an Excel or CSV file: Dataset (Excel) / CSV.


In the codebook (PDF, in German) you find detailed information on the content of the dataset, on the variables and on the sources of our data.


The following document lists the literature, the sources and the abbreviations used for our brief text descriptions of the votes from 1848 to 2007: List of references for vote descriptions 1848-2007 (PDF, in German).

The Swissvotes database documents votes at the federal level only. The following websites offer data collections on cantonal votes :

Basel-City: Baselvotes

Zurich: Voting portal and voting archive of the canton’s Statistical Office

For all cantons: C2D