Swissvotes Universität Basel année politique suisse



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Results (695)

Title Date Legal form Policy area Voting result Yes share Turnout Details
Tie-breaker question on the Expulsion Initiative and the counter-proposal 28.11.2010 Tie-breaker Social policy,
State organisation
49.63% 52.93% Details
Stichfrage zu Goldinitiative und Gegenentwurf 22.09.2002 Tie-breaker Economy,
Social policy,
State organisation
48.30% 45.17% Details
Stichfrage zu Solarinitiative und Gegenentwurf 24.09.2000 Tie-breaker Energy,
Public finance,
Environment and living space
34.56% 44.70% Details
Decree on cycle paths and footpaths 23.09.2018 Direct counter-proposal Transport and infrastructure Accepted 73.59% 37.48% Details
Decree on Food Security 24.09.2017 Direct counter-proposal Agriculture Accepted 78.73% 47.11% Details
Federal decree on basic medical care 18.05.2014 Direct counter-proposal Social policy Accepted 88.07% 55.84% Details
Financing and expansion of the railway infrastructure 09.02.2014 Direct counter-proposal Transport and infrastructure,
Public finance
Accepted 62.02% 56.23% Details
Federal decree on the promotion of musical training for young people 23.09.2012 Direct counter-proposal Education and research,
Culture, religion and media,
Social policy
Accepted 72.69% 42.41% Details
Regulation of gambling in favour of charitable purposes 11.03.2012 Direct counter-proposal Economy Accepted 87.09% 44.77% Details
Counter-proposal to the Expulsion Initiative 28.11.2010 Direct counter-proposal Social policy,
State organisation
Rejected 45.79% 52.93% Details
Verfassungsartikel zur Komplementärmedizin 17.05.2009 Direct counter-proposal Social policy Accepted 67.03% 38.80% Details
Verfassungsartikel zur Krankenversicherung 01.06.2008 Direct counter-proposal Social policy Rejected 30.52% 44.81% Details
Gegenentwurf zur Avanti-Initiative 08.02.2004 Direct counter-proposal Transport and infrastructure Rejected 37.20% 45.58% Details
Gegenentwurf «Gold für AHV, Kantone und Stiftung» 22.09.2002 Direct counter-proposal Economy,
Social policy,
State organisation
Rejected 48.22% 45.17% Details
Energielenkungsabgabe für die Umwelt 24.09.2000 Direct counter-proposal Energy,
Public finance,
Environment and living space
Rejected 44.51% 44.89% Details
Förderabgabe für erneuerbare Energien 24.09.2000 Direct counter-proposal Energy,
Public finance,
Environment and living space
Rejected 46.63% 44.70% Details
Verfassungsartikel zur Landwirtschaft 09.06.1996 Direct counter-proposal Agriculture,
Environment and living space
Accepted 77.59% 31.42% Details
Landwirtschaftsartikel 12.03.1995 Direct counter-proposal Agriculture,
Environment and living space
Rejected 49.12% 37.93% Details
Regelung der Fortpflanzungs- und Gentechnologie 17.05.1992 Direct counter-proposal Social policy,
Education and research
Accepted 73.83% 39.18% Details
Bundesbeschluss zum Mieterschutz 07.12.1986 Direct counter-proposal Environment and living space Accepted 64.37% 34.71% Details