General information | |
Official title | Volksinitiative «Für eine verantwortungsvolle Wirtschaft innerhalb der planetaren Grenzen (Umweltverantwortungsinitiative)» |
Voting day | 09.02.2025 |
Vote Nº | 677 |
Legal form | Popular initiative |
Policy area |
Environment and living space > Environment Economy > Economic policy |
Description by Année Politique Suisse | Link (in German / French) |
Text subject to vote | PDF (in German) |
Official Chronology | Link (in German) |
Collection of signatures | |
Initiators | Junge Grüne, unterstützt durch die Grünen, die SP und Umwelt- sowie Tierschutzorganisationen |
Preliminary examination | PDF (in German) |
Signatures | 105,940 |
Time used to collect signatures | 546 days |
Success | PDF (in German) |
Pre-parliamentary phase | |
Federal Council dispatch | (in German) |
Parliamentary phase | |
Item Nº | 24.021 |
Parliamentary debate | Link (in German / French) |
Duration of proceedings | 261 days |
Parliament's position | Reject |
Position of the National Council | Reject (61 Yes, 133 No) |
Position of the Council of States | Reject (11 Yes, 31 No) |
Public campaign | |
Position of the Federal Council | Reject |
Recommendations by parties |
Electoral share of 'yes' camp | ? (Details) |
Recommendations by others |
Vote |