General information | |
Official title | Bundesbeschluss über die Ergänzung der Bundesverfassung durch einen Artikel 22bis über den Zivilschutz |
Voting day | 03.03.1957 |
Voting result | Rejected (48.09% Yes votes and 14.0 out of 22 votes of the Cantons) |
Vote Nº | 180 |
Legal form | Mandatory referendum |
Policy area |
Security policy > Public security > Civil protection Social policy > Social groups > Status of women |
Brief description by Swissvotes | PDF (in German) |
Text subject to vote | PDF (in German) |
Official Chronology | Link (in German) |
Pre-parliamentary phase | |
Federal Council dispatch | (in German) |
Parliamentary phase | |
Item Nº | 7152 |
Parliamentary debate | |
Duration of proceedings | 220 days |
Parliament's position | Accept |
Position of the National Council | Accept (121 Yes, 0 No) |
Position of the Council of States | Accept (32 Yes, 0 No) |
Public campaign | |
Recommendations by parties |
Electoral share of 'yes' camp | 85.6% (Details) |
Graphical campaign material for a Yes | |
Graphical campaign material for a No |
Vote | |
Voting result | Rejected |
People | Rejected (48.09% Yes votes) |
Cantons |
(14.0 Yes, 8.0 No)
Turnout | 53.10% |
Decree on voting result | PDF (in German) |
Result by canton, district and municipality | Excel (in German) |
Overview of voting result by the Federal Chancellery | Link (in German) |
Interactive map by the Swiss Federal Statistical Office | Display the map |